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The router must be configured to log all packets that have been dropped.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-207122 SRG-NET-000078-RTR-000001 SV-207122r604135_rule Low
Auditing and logging are key components of any security architecture. It is essential for security personnel to know what is being done or attempted to be done, and by whom, to compile an accurate risk assessment. Auditing the actions on network devices provides a means to recreate an attack or identify a configuration mistake on the device.
Router Security Requirements Guide 2024-05-28


Check Text ( C-7383r382259_chk )
Review the router interface access control lists (ACLs) to verify all deny statements are logged.

If packets being dropped are not logged, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-7383r382260_fix)
Configure interface ACLs to log all deny statements.